Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Darn good fun

Yesterday I was directed to HeroForge - create your own mini and have it printed. The creator tool is some of the best fun I had for a few days, so go check it out!! Below is a couple of Priests I made up in a........well not so busy time at work.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Guess these are robots you can count on

Well it doesn't seem like I have a lot of time to build stuff at the moment, luckily that doesn't mean I cannot buy even more models - as we all know, right?

I really fought it for a long time, but a few hours before Oathsworn Miniatures' Kickstarter finished I decided I needed some of these, extremely cool robots. Perfectly oldschool for some evil defender robots. Can't wait to get these AdMech'ed up.  Love the drones as well, I think they might just be painted up to look cool, but I guess they could be excellent C.A.T.s
You can also keep up with Oathsworn at facebook.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Cool new Robots in Anvil Industry's Kickstarter

The last few days of Anvil Industy's kickstarter AFTERLIFE - The Shards of Liberty has begun counting down. Loads of interesting miniatures really. My absolute favourites has to be the War Drones and the Mauler drill - what lovely little machines, I'm pretty sure they will show up in my army at some point. Cool stuff - so why don't you take a look and help make it happen.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Praetorian vs. Sagittarii scale

As per request a scale comparison photo with the praetorians and sagittarii. Sagittarii is just a tad smaller it seems.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Drone control

After the assembly the drone was sitting on my desk, for a day or two and I thought, need to add something to make it more mechanicus - at the same time two fellow hobbyists made the same suggestion, so I guess it needed to be done. I wanted to make up something a bit dark tech, but couldn't come up with anyhing really good, so I only added a mechanicus symbol and a controller thingie. Looks better I think but still needs something......hopefully the ideas will come later on. Need to make another one too, and make it as my mate suggested "the big brother of those little wheely ones" - guess that would make up for something really dark tech wouldn't it?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Anti Air Firepower

As I could simple not stand seeing the Bucs getting creamed completely by Ravens I moved over to the hobby table and decided to listen to the game instead. I picked up a cool drone I got from Ramschackle, and a couple of guns from Puppetswar - needing some AA firepower as I might go up against a mate next week - Chaos Marines, favorite is that flying ugliness.

Simply love that drone - just what I have been looking for. This little beauty is called an Eviscerater Engine. In the game it will be serviced by a pair of priests.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mechanicus Protector components

Some one wanted at components breakdown - so here goes.

Head:  GW Dark angel terminater
Torso: FW thallax
Legs: Micro art miniatures
Right arm: Anvil Industry
Right hand: Zinge industries
Axe: Kromlech + 2mm plastic rod
Left arm and claw: GW Cronos pain engine
Right shoulder: GW terminater optics
Left shoulder: puppetswars gun
Mechadendrites: Zinge Industries, cables and bits from small servoarm
Abdominal bits: Blightwheel flamer, Zinge cableplugs and GS cables
Servoarm: Kromlech

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mechanicus Protector

All right - the big 100000 views celebration - pretty cool and thanks for watching guys and gals.

As promised here is my anniversary miniature - a Mechanicus Protecter, Bad to the bone - if any left in there. Think it turned out pretty well, looks mean and ready to take on anything, a good mix of cybernetics and a few enhanced human parts. I've had the idea for this for quite some time, and really had a blast building it. I also think it could easily double as a Myrmidon Destructer in the FW armylist.

Mechanicus sneak peek

Rapidly approaching 100000 views on the blog - another cool milestone I think. As a small celebration of the blog, I have for the occasion, been working hard to get a cool mini done. So here is a small sneak peek of it, I recon you can swing by later to see the full mini, once I reach the 100000 mark.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Last two servitors

All right the last two of the batch is done. So what's next - I guess I should paint these, but I kind of feel the need to build some more...Got an idea.

And the family reunion pic.

Friday, October 3, 2014

100 servitors

...or at least 100 followers, that's quite a milestone I think, so thanks to all you guys out there following the blog.
Today I have a few more servitors ready - only a few more to go till I reach the ten I was aiming for.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Stitching machine...

One more servitor ready for duty. Really like this one, think that long arm looks quite twisted.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Heavy servitors

A few more servitors have rolled off the assembly line. This time fitted with some heavy duty tools, a huge powerdrill and a heavy powerlifter - yay! Go destroy lads.

And a family pic...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Initiate protocol!

Since the NFL kicked off this weekend it pretty much stole all my spare time between Fantasy frenzy and as much Gamepass as possible - still got a few bits added, but this was the only servitor finished. Head and wetware added, so not he should be ready to die for the Omissah.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Servitor manufactorum

Been working on a few more servitors, really like the uniform yet different look they are getting.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Cybernetics - parts breakdown.

Had a few requests, both here and other places for a component breakdown of the two servitors. See the previous post for a photo from the back.

Heads are from Ramshackle Games and torsos are from Blight Wheel miniatures, legs from Anvil Industry. Bases are from Dark Art Studios ( I think). Extra bits on backpacks - Zinge Industries.
Buzz saw servitor: Buzz saw from Puppetswar, other arm - GW catachan. GS power cord.
Gun Servitor: Arm and gun are from Titan Forge, their Metal Beard Kickstarter. Flesh arm from Anvil Industry. 1 and 2 mm plastic rod.

Think that's it.

Saturday, August 30, 2014


The first two models in my new unit is almost done - planned to add a few bits that could add some bulk or extra mechanicus feel. I have planned to field these a mixed group of servitors, tooled up for war. I really like the idea that servitors, ogryn, menials and the like, in times of war get fitted with different programs that makes them ready to kill, and that some will be kitted out with weaponry, but some don't get new bits and will have to make due with the stuff they usually use for the everyday slaving away.
Should I start using the FW AdMech list, I think these could double as Tech Thralls.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Origin of The Mechanicum finally revealed

Unable to keep covering their tracks, The Mechanicum has by accident revealed where the Cult of the Machinegod originates from. The answer is quite surprising though.
My research suggest overwhelming circumstantial evidence, that the first conglomerate that will eventually grow into the Cult of the Machinegod is located in Ukraine!
At least that's what I think - since I have had more than 9000 visitors from Ukraine since my last post. What reason but a twisted desire to follow all things Mechanicus could be suggested ? - none I think! Mark my words.
Should any of you lesser magi suggest a bot is responsible for the traffic - it will just emphasise my point!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

What?.......a post.......

Yes - that's right, a post.....
Haven't really had much mojo for some time, but now I'm slowly feeling it return. Cleaned up a few bits last night, now I just need to glue them together.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Just can't help it - the Knight Titan has grown on me. Perhaps even more the possibility of including the FW titans in regular 40K games has, qua the rules released along the Carastus Knight Lancer, which I'm counting on will continue with the release of the other titans too.
Not sure if I'll buy the FW ones though, the opportunity to do some serious conversion is simply too good to pass up. So when the time comes I'll hopefully have at least on of each type. This will be so good.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hazardous problems

Initially I had planned on placing the hazard stripes on the Hunters on the Fabricator gauntlets, as seen on the first pic. But once I had painted one I was pretty sure it wouldn't work anyway, the green powercord is already..well green, and I'm planning on adding blue plasma to the central coils with some OSL, like on the plasmacannon of the Herakli. I'm simply sure it will look too much like a kindergarten accident. So instead I'll go for stripes on the cord connecting the robot with the gun, and add a much duller grey to the cord on the gauntlet.

I'm also considering making a small change in weapons. Since I made these, quite a few new weapons have been added to the various bits stores, and a few of them would look really cool on these, problem is now - can I wrestle the guns off with out damaging the minis too much..........

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lucky me!

Quite an unexpected joy this morning when the missus and kids had bought me a couple of surprises on Father's Day.

Haven't read it all yet, but I like what I see - really looking forward to having a game using these rules.

...and a couple of tasties for later!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Mechanicus tank

Without even being finished with the robots I have already begun thinking about the next project to feed my painting mojo. And strongly inspired by Dave Taylor over at the most amazing Mechanicus blog I simply need to paint up a tank. I also came to think I don't think I have ever uploaded pictures of it before so here goes. It's quite the cool model, made by the guy who used to run Plastic Krak, sadly I do not know if the stuff will go into production again, now FW seem to have a progessing mass of AdMech miniatures. This was thought as a Cataphractus Neutrino Irradiatror from the TF codex (by me anyway), but should I get to use the FW books at some point I don't see why it shouldn't double as one of the new Krios line of tanks.
This is quite a daunting project for me as I have never painted up any tanks before, so I really looking forward to it, perhaps this will also help me finish those robots.

Friday, May 30, 2014

How I paint red.

What a day yesterday - at least blogwise. I was mentioned/had a mini feature on Faeit212's "What's on you table series" and had the crazy amount of more than 2300 visits to the blog - quite surreal, considering the normal number is around a 100 on regular days. Quite thrilling though and thanks to Nafka.

I have had a few requests on the red, so here's an overview on how it's done. Nothing is 100% as I keep experimenting a bit, but this is how it was done on the Hunter Robots.

Base: black
Baselayer: GW Mecrite red
Shade one: VMC Burnt cad. red
Shade two: VMC Black red
Highlight one: watered down VMC red
Highlight two: watered down mix og VMC red and GW Mephiston red
Highlight three: watered down GW Mephiston red
Highlight four: watered down mix GW Mephiston red and GW Evil sunz scarlet
Highlight five: watered down GW Evil sunz scarlet
Highlight six: watered down mix GW Evil sunz scarlet and GW Wil drider red
Edge highlight: GW Wild rider red.

and rounding off a fine line of black wash in the deepest recesses around the armour.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The red death

Worked in all the different layers of red, and though it's still difficult to photograph I think you can a good idea of the finished red. Well on to the next bits - lets get some color in there.

Monday, May 26, 2014

More red

Been working on the red over the weekend, doesn't really show up much on pics though. Left one has just the two base layers, the right one has a bit of shading done as well. Bought some really dark Vallejo red, so I'll try to alter my recipe a bit this time.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mechanicus hunter red

The armour got a bit of paint and the the whole idea behind the minis starts showing it self. I think it's going to look pretty fine once done, I actually like these more and more as the painting progress. Initially I was a little in doubt if they would look too much necron - but now I think they look just right.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Memory lane part 3

The final instalment, at least for now, with some funny old minis, again with quite some diversity.

First off is a few more D&D miniatures.

A batch of good guys....

..and a batch of really bad guys.

Then it seem the painting skills picked up some - I began to pay more attention to the painting, read a few books, and learned from friends. I also remember I did a undead army for WFB at this time, so I guess that helped too. The gobling in the center was the first really "well" painted mini I did. The Felix model was for many years the best model I painted - by my own account, that is.

Last group, and time has again moved forward - now playing Mordheim, which was populated by this gobling warband.