Thursday, April 9, 2015

How to make skitarii the alternative way

Sometimes miniatures comes to you in the strangest way, like yesterday. Anyone know what the thing on the pic it? Right - it's a katousche, the bit inside your taps, that controls flow and mix of hot/cold water. Also the part that's worn out when it start dripping. But what do all this have to do with AdMech you might ask! Well we had a few dripping tabs and it would take us 200 -300 £ to have them changed, I decided that was too much, and bought those spares instead. Even though I do not have much in the way of handyman skills, I managed to make the repairs without floddings or ruined sinks. Then came the magic point: the missus said "now you have some spare cash for little plastic men!" I was baffled, couldn't say a word - but I'm going to take her up on that!!!


  1. Brilliant, right? Good on ya for being a true cogboy round the house xD

    1. Very important to spell cogboy correct!!!

  2. I tried something similar with the washing machine last week... sadly we ended up calling a man as the machine spirit was beyond my control. I'm glad at least you have enough persuasion to get the machines to work

    1. I honestly think washing machines is where even Mechanicus give up.

  3. I envy you a world where saving money on home repairs gains "hobby credits"... having done thousands and thousands worth of work with nary a figure to show for it.

    1. Have to say it's not a common occurrence around either :D

  4. Haha! Excellent work, man! :)

  5. Wait wait...I fix computers all the time....I can have mini's ????
